We are excited to report back that Ps Isaac Oyako from Jinja city, Uganda - about 100 kms East of Kampala - has registered and let us know that he has stepped out in faith, and is already planning a time of Uganda Kneels between August 15-17.
Ps Isaac has been moving in Repentance for more than 20 years when God spoke to him to " Strengthen the weak and rescue those on the way to perish".
Last weekend he was in Busia at Uganda Kenya common border where I had over 200 pastors and church leaders in a seminar.
About 19 pastors and leaders came forward to repent of secret sexual encounters,enemities including witchcraft. There was such a great move and power of the Holy Spirit.
I will be returning to that place in the first weekend of every month for 10 months.
He has another center in Kampala and two others in Northern Uganda. These are Repentance centers. However, he speaks in different churches as well
Thus, please keep an eye on this page - we will load all the information here shortly as to what is planned, and who you can get in contact with if you intend to join the events in Uganda.
Please pray for Ps Isaac, for Funds etc, as he is planning this event.
May God Bless Uganda !!

Plea for Support for Uganda
Uganda is one of the countries in Africa with a dark history, yet very vibrant in spiritual issues. From 1971 to 1979 Uganda was ruled by the worst dictator Idi, Amin Dada . Much blood was shed during the reign of Idi Amin. Them came the liberation wars followed by protracted guerrilla wars led by various warlords, the chief of whom was Joseph Kony who terrorized not only Uganda, but also South Sudan , DR Congo and the Central African Republic even today. He did not only butcher mankind but also degraded humanity by cooking them like sweet potatoes, trimming their ears and lips etc.
As the Bible talks about the blood of the innocent crying before the Lord, our country is guilty . And not only that there is massive worship of Satan through witchcraft, illicit sexual activity, corruption, tribalism etc. We have already come under divine judgement of the Lord : There is chronic famine ,inflation ,poverty, rampant road accidents. We experience more that 300 road related fatalities per week.
These evil vices have crept into the church of Christ as well. It is no longer uncommon to hear about poly gammy among the born-again Christians and even church leaders including pastors. It is a common phenomena that some leaders practice witchcraft by; soliciting mystic powers from demonic agencies for miracles to convince followers for monitory gain.
These evil practices have to be confronted in order to distill the church from the world for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This can be accomplished by teaching a very strong none compromising message that leads to Godly sorry and repentance. We also need the anointing to cast out demons, conduct deliverance and close down demonic alters. These have done before.
We are using the month of July for preparation (prayer and raising resources) for ministry in August.
From 4th August to 7th August, we have a special operation in Busia town.
On Friday 5th August we will have intercession for Uganda praying to wipe out the alters raised by the devil in the church compound.
The National intercessors for Uganda will lead that session. On 6th and 7th the we will run a repentance and deliverance seminar on the topic, “SIN”. We expect more than 300 people to be involved.
Then we will have a real “Uganda kneels activity” prayer conference involving many church leaders from 15th to 17th August in Northern Uganda. We will have strong teachings, repentance, reconciliation, restitution etc. This is going to involve hiring a big tent , and seats and refreshments.
Lastly, we will have a Discipleship training seminar in Mukono near Kampala Capital City from 19th to 21st August. We expect about 150 local church Christians to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. It is a continuation of what we begun.
As stated above, we felt it important to spend the month of July praying, listening and preparing.
We have now felt it strong to share our heart’s cry with you in this letter. We need USD 150 each for Busia and Mukono ministry, while we need USD 800 for” Uganda kneels” from 15th to 17th August.
Note: There will be you tube link produced and sent out as a report.
Thank you very much, We appreciate your support.
Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako
Plot 25, Mugote Road, Katende West, Bugembe
Jinja, Uganda
Photos and Feedback after the Uganda Kneels Conferences
Some feedback received from Ps Isaac after the Uganda Kneels event in February 2023..
We started the 18th of February with a Uganda Kneels conference in Busia, after my guest Rev Venter, who arrived from George in South Africa. On Sunday February 19th, we drove 4 hours to Jinja, in Northern Uganda for another 3-day conference, together with Ps Jimmy Ogwang.
We held our Main Uganda Kneels conference on Monday morning, February 20th, in Jinja, for the next 3 days. God has touched so many lives these 3 days, and brought a lot of healing and salvations. We even had a 45minute Zoom call, where some of the participants from Africa Kneels from countries like South Africa & Kenya, as well as a sister from Australia has joined us in prayer and repentance during our service on Tuesday morning, February 21st, 2023.
Overall we had a great time, in the presence of the Lord, but it was a very busy time.
But we thank God for every healing, and every soul who made their lives right with the Lord during these couple of days.
And we all safely returned back home.
To God all the Glory !!
See below of some photos from our time in Busia & Jinja.
Some feedback received from Ps Isaac after the Uganda Kneels event in August 2022..
Uganda kneels was very successful. I am now sending pictures and videos to sister Susan in South Africa to be put in the Africa Kneels website. It was powerful with repentance and reconciliations. Government leaders and politicians took part and repented on the behalf of Government of Uganda. They have requested for more of these meetings in our RC.
We had a total of 182 pastors and Bishops of 12 different evangelical groups including Anglicans. It was the first unification of it's kind! God blessed it with rainfall for the three days, there was rain constantly after three months of drought.!
The only challenge was the cost. It was much more expensive than I had estimated I am just believing God to be able to complete paying the services we did not pay, because of a lack of funds. Tomorrow morning I am needed in Mukono, 6 hours away. The total cost to cover the Cost of Uganda Kneels shortfall plus connecting to Mukono is about ugx1,800,000 (usd 500). In Mukono I will meet leaders of churches with their wives from tomorrow Friday to Sunday. Just pray for me.
Also to 200 seater Uganda Kneels tent with "Uganda kneels" printed on it. We will be having ministry 4 times a year In RC but the cost of renting a tent is exorbitant.
Please, I am sending videos and link to South Africa Shortly I was too busy during the three days.
Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako
Below are some photos, received from Ps Isaac from each event...
May God Continue to Bless Uganda !!
Please Consider Making a Donation
And as our Blessing and Thanks to you for any donation, we will send you our current E-Book "AMERICA KNEELS - A GOD SOLUTION"